The CMI 25, MeetingsNet's list of the top independent meeting planning companies, is a resource for organizations looking for an experienced partner for conferences, incentives, trainings, and other corporate meetings.
The CMI 25, MeetingsNet's list of the top independent meeting planning companies, is a resource for organizations looking for an experienced partner for conferences, incentives, trainings, and other corporate meetings.
The CMI 25, MeetingsNet's list of the top independent meeting planning companies, is a resource for organizations looking for an experienced partner for conferences, incentives, trainings, and other corporate meetings.
A new report by the Incentive Research Foundation shows that hotels, DMCs, CVBs, and other suppliers are hard-pressed to handle all the incentive-travel programs that companies are looking to host.
Changemaker Jamie Schwartz has had her hands full since joining Creative Group in the midst of a pandemic-induced shift in employee motivations and preferences.