American Express Meetings & Events
Jersey City, N.J.
Corporate meetings in 2017: 75,020
Incentive travel programs in 2017: 3,375
Incentive travel programs in 2017: 3,375
Top customer markets: pharmaceutical, healthcare/medical, computers/electronics
The Latest
+ In the past year, American Express Global Business Travel has been in acquisition mode, bringing two U. K.–based companies into the fold that will improve the capabilities and footprint of its American Express Meetings & Events arm. In September 2017, the company acquired Banks Sadler, the international event management agency. Then in February 2018, it announced plans to acquire Hogg Robinson Group, which has a strong suite of meetings and events products and services. The deal is expected to close later this year. AEGBT has also acquired further shares of American Express GBT Spain, making it a wholly-owned subsidiary.+ AEM&E’s 2018 Global Meetings & Events forecast included research into the risks and challenges of managing compliant meetings in China, as well as a report on how to think about attendee personas as they relate to meeting design. Other thought-leadership reports have included “Focus on the Why: How Branding Principles Can Guide Your Event Design.”+ American Express and Certares, both based in New York City, jointly own American Express Global Business Travel and American Express Meetings & Events.

Issa Jouaneh, Senior Vice President and General Manager, American Express Meetings & Events
Doug Anderson, CEO, American Express Global Business Travel
More Stats
Room nights booked for meetings and incentives in 2017: 5.96 million
Full-time employees: 1,800+
Meeting and incentive travel programs held outside the U.S.: 70%
Revenue from planning and executing meetings and incentives: undisclosed
Full-time employees: 1,800+
Meeting and incentive travel programs held outside the U.S.: 70%
Revenue from planning and executing meetings and incentives: undisclosed
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