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Help the Cause: Turn Event Bags into Masks

If your organization has leftover conference bags, here’s how they can help fight COVID-19.

Did you know that nonwoven polypropylene—the same material used for many conference bags and reusable grocery bags—is a great fabric for making face masks that combat the spread of COVID-19?

A volunteer organization called MakerMask has a website that explains the science, offers downloadable patterns for mask makers, and is ready to take conference-bag contributions from groups.

Erika Brown Wagner, communications lead for MakerMask, is helping to scale up the community mask-making. “One of the things we have found is that trading out cotton masks for non-woven polypropylene provides a helpful droplet barrier for blocking transmission. And it turns out the best source of this NWPP in our communities is actually reusable conference/grocery bags.”

If your organization has bags headed to the landfill because of recent cancellations, or leftovers from last year’s conference, consider donating them to a great cause. Contact Brown Wager at [email protected] who will match donations with mask makers located around the U.S.

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