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3 Things Planners Need to Know About Event Lighting

Today's guest post is by Andy Taffin, CEO of Tallen Technology Rentals.

Getting the lighting right is a crucially important aspect for events of all types and sizes, from enormous multimedia productions down to one-offs with extremely modest budgets—the right lighting can set the desired tone and mood for each variety of event and venue. In fact, lighting is one of the key essentials for mood, ambience, scenic elements, as well as filming an event.

Here is a quick overview of some of the most-used solutions for planners to consider when sourcing lighting equipment and services.

Stage Wash

“Stage wash” describes filling of light and color across a stage. The result, an even amount of lighting across the entire stage, really makes the stage stand out. For example, at an event, bringing the house lights down a bit will serve to focus the audience’s attention on the stage. The first step towards creating an even stage wash is to select the number of lights used, which will depend mainly on the size of the stage. Also, it’s very important where you position the lighting trees (a lighting tree is simply a tree-like stand that allows you to mount and raise lighting equipment); all basic lighting is going to be ground-supported. Work with your AV equipment partner to design a setup with the lighting trees as high as possible. That way, you can get more light across the stage—avoiding both black spots and preventing it from shining in your presenters’ eyes.


Uplights—ground supported LED lamps used to add color and texture to the pipe and drape—are a very effective and convenient option for enhancing the ambience of a room.  Uplights use very little power and they’re very easy to set up and control. And together with a Leko, a type of spotlight used in stage lighting (the name combines the first two letters of the inventors’ last names, Joseph LEvy and Edward KOok) you can cross-wash a stage and use uplights from the ground.

Three-Point Lighting

Whenever a meeting becomes a multimedia event, i.e., a video camera is involved, the creative lighting designer(s) will deploy what’s known as the three-point lighting method. The concept is simple: Basic lighting is enhanced by adding a third lighting tree, which provides a triangulated lighting scheme that allows you to avoid reflections and shadows.

Andrew Taffin, CEO of Tallen Technology Rentals, cofounded the Iselin, N.J.–based nationwide audiovisual company in 2002. A regular speaker at industry conferences and events, Taffin is also one of the founding members and former president of the International Technology Rental Association (ITRA). For more information please e-mail [email protected] and visit

Top image by hxdyl on Thinkstock by Getty Images

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