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5 Ways Helping Peers Will Help Your Professional Career

Recommending your peers to clients and colleagues is good business—and good fun.

Remember that people are always watching—and they pay attention not only to what you say, but also to what you do. For example, last year I had the privilege of speaking at the Society for Human Resource Management Volunteer Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C., with four of my speaker friends. We are part of a group called The Keynoters, and SHRM hired us for the leadership track for this important event.

The format required two of us to present simultaneously in adjacent rooms. The others helped by providing handouts, moving chairs, and doing whatever else needed to be done. Some of our favorite moments were when the meeting planners and attendees shared how much they enjoyed watching us support each other in the sessions. 

Behaviors follow beliefs. What do your audiences see when you are working with your team at the hotel, the audiovisual crew, and your other team members?

If you want to get attention for your events, your projects, and your team, consider referring your peers. It’s a win-win-win-win-win … you get the idea!

Here are five ways you can get attention by referring your peers:

1. Create a strong network. Know who you can trust, what their strengths and talents are, and who you can recommend to clients, customers, members, friends, and colleagues. 

2. Explore client needs. Know your clients’ challenges, concerns, and big-picture goals, then make suggestions. When you do, you become their trusted advisor and go-to resource 

3. Make connections. Don’t just mention people to each other—make an actual introduction via email or a teleconference. Give a few reasons why you think there might be a good fit between them. Make it easy for others to do business together.

4. Follow up. Don’t stop at introductions. Be sure to follow up to see if those you recommend were able to connect.

5. Build advocates. When you actively refer others and constantly strengthen your network, you can build strong relationships with people who will become advocates for you and your work. Foster those relationships, reach out to them regularly, and keep them informed of what you are doing. When you do, you’ll often find yourself on the receiving end of a referral of your own!

Pay attention to the needs of your clients, team members, and colleagues. The meetings industry is smaller than you think. Actively look for connections that could be opportunities for others to play a role in someone else’s success. In doing so, you’ll elevate your relationships with all of the above to being both an expert at what you do—and a positive facilitator for connectivity.  Have some fun with it! I can tell you that The Keynoters and I sure do! 

If you are in the market for a referral or think I might have some connections that could help you with an event, project, or problem, please don’t hesitate to call me. I’d love to assist!

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