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Off topic: Great summer sauce for pasta

This is what makes all these hot and steamy days worthwhile: Last night we had what we call "The Sauce," and it was so the essence of summer that I have to share.

Grab a bunch of tomatoes fresh off the vine or from a farm stand (they have to be fresh!)—half a dozen or so work fine. Chop them up with a couple of handfuls of mushrooms, about a half-cup of chopped fresh basil, a couple of minced garlic cloves, a half-pound of shredded mozzarella, a pinch of salt, and enough olive oil to make it all juicy. Let it meld at room temperature for a while, then serve over pasta with some parmesan on top.

Anyone have any good zucchini or cucumber recipes to share? Our garden runneth over, but our ideas on what to do with the stuff isn't.

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