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Criteria for using RCT as basis for developing clinical guidelines

This post courtesy of Anne Taylor-Vaisey:

If you wish to read about RCTs and their generalisability (external validity), here is an article from the November 15 issue of the Medical Journal of Australia. Free full text is available.

J Paul Seale, Val J Gebski and Anthony C Keech. Generalising the results of trials to clinical practice. MJA 2004; 181 (10): 558-560.

Randomised controlled trials should be the basis for developing clinical guidelines and for decisions about individual patient management. They should also inform public health policy. However, their capacity to fulfil these roles will depend on how closely a trial s participants reflect the general population of patients with the disorder that has been investigated. The extent to which a trial s findings are relevant to the broader population of patients with the disorder is referred to as the trial s generalisability, or external validity. The CONSORT statement refers to generalisability under Item 21 (Box 1).1 Well-written reports should discuss the various factors that influence the generalisability of the trial s findings. Jul! ian and Pocock have proposed a checklist of questions to assist with this assessment (see Box 2).2

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