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Assn. Interest Group Launched for Responsible A.I. Usage

ASAE’s new Association Coalition for AI brings together nonprofit leaders to better understand and properly implement artificial intelligence across internal, member-facing, and public-facing applications.

With the rollout of a more robust version of ChatGPT, called GPT-4o, mid-May was an opportune moment for the American Society of Association Executives to announce the formation of the Association Coalition for AI.

The new group’s goal is to advance the association community’s understanding and responsible implementation of artificial-intelligence technologies in their operations. A press release from ASAE also notes that the coalition “will safeguard associations’ credibility as the most trusted sources for information, resources, and best practices that advance industries and professions.”

Coalition Participants Are Needed
The ACAI will be chaired by Jason Oxman, president and CEO of the Information Technology Industry Council, while ASAE is seeking several more association CEOs to serve the coalition. Initially, the ACAI will meet quarterly, with a kickoff meeting happening during ASAE’s 2024 Annual Meeting & Exposition taking place in Cleveland from August 10 to 13.

The New York Times recently wrote that OpenAI’s updated version GPT-4o not only “enables chatbots and other software apps to answer questions, write emails, generate [white] papers, and analyze data [but] can also generate images and respond to questions and commands in a highly conversational voice … learning its skills by analyzing and synthesizing vast amounts of digital data including Wikipedia articles, online books, news articles, photos, videos, and sounds.”

Why ACAI Is Needed
Associations must find a balance between using A.I. to be more creative and productive, and engaging in proper data privacy and transparent communication related to A.I. usage with members, sponsors, vendors, and other business partners.

“In this era of rapid innovation, it is imperative that associations lead the way in leveraging A.I. responsibly,” said Michelle Mason, FASAE, CAE, president and CEO of ASAE. “The coalition is a collaborative platform for association leaders to navigate the complexities of A.I. adoption while upholding ethical standards.”

The main objectives of the Association Coalition for AI are:

• Creating a cohesive, trusted, and influential voice for the association community in the development, implementation, and regulation of A.I. technology.

Advocating for public policies that promote the ethical, responsible, and effective use of A.I. in all associations.

• Providing guidance and strategic direction to association leaders on integrating and using A.I. applications to enhance organizational efficiencies, member engagement, and value delivery.

“Artificial intelligence is not just a technology-industry innovation; it’s an all-industry innovation,” Oxman said. “From banking to transportation, health care to education, agriculture to manufacturing, and beyond, all association leaders must understand A.I.’s impact on members, employees, and day-to-day operations. This coalition will be a diverse cross-section of industry voices to ensure associations can leverage A.I.’s benefits responsibly and ethically, while also guarding against potential risks” to any parties. 


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