Attention is a drug, as my brilliant friend once said. It’s always been a particularly potent one, but today’s social media quick-hit shares, comments, likes, and messages have sparked an outright epidemic of attention-craving that borders on add...
This past summer, over 300 stakeholders voiced their concerns and beliefs to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) about the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015, or MACRA. As part of the ramp-up to the 2017...
It feels odd to use the word “balance” when talking about life. The picture that comes to mind is a balanced scale or a teeter-totter, but the reality is that life’s events, activities, and responsibilities aren’t...
In my last article, I talked about creating a solid sponsorship strategy. Now let’s focus on the next step: acquiring your sponsors. We know why sponsors are important. They drive revenue and thereby help you increase the value of the event...
People no longer come to your meetings to get information. They come to make sense of the deluge of information they already have. They also attend face-to-face meetings to feel something, whether it’s to be transported to the moon by your keynot...
Speakers sell the invisible. The intangible. The possible. They create feelings in your attendees that cause them to take action at work, at home, and in their communities. And yet, all too often, even $10,000-a-gig professional speakers get that...