The Internet and e-mail might be great for the mainstream, but they're still not much help for people planning meetings, says Nan Ives, manager, community relations and special events with Fidelity Investments in Boston...
A variation of videoconferencing is the desktop videoconference (DTVC): The former provides interaction between groups of people who gather in conference-style settings, while DTVC com-bines personal com- puting with audio, video, and...
Convention Bureaus R.J. (Jim) Henderson has been promoted to vice president of sales and marketing at the Anchorage (AK) Convention & Visitors Bureau. He had been director of convention sales...
Corporate Meetings & Incentives announces the winners of its 1997 Paragon Awards. We have asked our readers to choose the hotels, resorts, and conference centers that did the best job of handling their meetings and incentive programs in the...
Amoco's national dealers and jobbers meetings needed drastic revamping. Held every two to three years, these conferences were long on talk and entertainment, but lacked "hands-on, visible demonstrations of major marketing strategies," says William...