Steven Passin, FACEHP, CHCP

President and CEO , Steve Passin and Associates

Steven Passin is the president and CEO of continuing medical education consultancy Steve Passin and Associates. A former deputy health secretary for the State of California and an executive with both the American Medical Association and the American Society of Internal Medicine, Steve has policy-level experience as a government regulator and at the national level of organized medicine in the United States. In addition, as a former surveyor for the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, he has inside knowledge of the accreditation process that governs most of SP&A's clients. Steve also heads up the SP&A's strategic-level services for those clients engaging the company for mergers and acquisitions and corporate restructuring relative to maintaining a separation between education and promotion in accordance with firewall policies and procedures specified by accrediting agencies and the Office of the Inspector General of the US Department of Health and Human Services.

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