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This post courtesy of Anne Taylor-Vaisey:

The Open Access Journal of Medical Internet Research [it calls itself The leading peer-reviewed eHealth journal] has re-designed its Web site and it is very user-friendly.

The current issue of JMLA (Journal of the Medical Libary Association) includes a largely positive review of JMIR:

Harriman JHP. Journal of Medical Internet Research. J Med Libr Assoc 2004 October; 92(4): 510 511.

Excerpts: JMIR's goal is to help health care and medical professionals and consumers maximize the use of the Internet to deliver quality health care and health information. To achieve this goal, JMIR publishes original research reporting the application, development, and evaluation of information technology related to the Internet, as well as proposals, reviews, and opinion papers on standards, policies, and legal and ethical issues of e-health.

[JMIR] is a reliable, current, and well-maintained scientific publication.

Free full text of the review

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