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Thinking about doing a show blog?

E-venting has a great post about the various different types of blogs people are doing to support their meetings. For our Pharmaceutical Meeting Planners Forum in March, I plan to do kind of a hybrid of all four types that he mentions—on-the-scene posting from the conference, some back-end stuff about the operational aspects (of interest, since the attendees are meeting planners), some pre-event programming commentary, and links to stuff of general interest to pharma planners. Ambitious, I know, but I think it'd be the right mix for this particular group of participants. Of course, no one will ever comment, the pharma industry being pretty circumspect these days, but it's worth a try. It's what I'd find most interesting, anyway.

What would you find most useful in a blog about a conference you're going to? If you have any ideas, please drop me a line or leave a comment here.

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