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Meet some new meetings blogs

We have some new kids playing in the meetings blogosphere: Welcome to the Fabulous Spellos Brothers by James Spellos of Meeting U (I've been enjoying his e-newsletter for ages now) and his bro Peter; and to MeetingsBabble (isn't that a great name?), by Eli Gorin of gMeetings. Also relatively new is the Tourism and Hospitality blog. And if you want to know what's catching the eye of the ever-vigilant UNLV hospitality prof Patti Shock, check out Stuff from Patti Shock. Be forewarned: She posts a lot.

I had high hopes for Abu Dhabi Events, but it seems to have gone fallow. But I won't give up on it. After all, the Expophile came back after a hiatus, and Rich Westerfield still (very) occasionally posts on his terrific Trade Show Marketing Report. Some of my other favorites are listed in the sidebar at the left.

Are there others out there that I haven't heard about yet? Please let me know.

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